Vicente Jaime, chairman and managing director of Cotrali: “We have to earn respect, and to do this we have to do quality work”

The coronavirus pandemic has taken its toll on Spanish road freight companies, which have seen how the slump in activity is dragging prices downwards. This, together with the coming into effect of the 44-tonne weight limit scheduled for May 2021, will obligate all operators in the sector to pull out all the stops if they want to remain competitive.

According to Vicente Jaime, the chairman and managing director of Cotrali, “We have to earn respect, and to do this we have to do quality work. It isn’t only about taking goods from one place to another; we have to offer excellent service. And for this we have to apply technology. This probably won’t allow us not to raise our prices, but there’s no doubt that it will help to reduce our costs while enabling us to guarantee our customers that their shipments will reach their destination in good time and condition.”

Cotrali came up with its innovative solutions with assistance from Lextransport (both companies have a collaboration agreement), an organisation with which it has had a long commercial relationship focusing on the control of professional drivers’ working hours using the TachoLab solution. And it goes further, with Vicente Jaime pointing out that the Asturian company is one of its leading suppliers – “always innovating and dedicated to training, which is so necessary” – which has led to the reduction in fines, the implementation of fuel-efficient driving techniques and costs reduction, a concept that is particularly significant for freight companies.

The Zaragoza-based company has taken full advantage of the technological tools its suppliers have made available to it, of which Opentach – which allows tachograph data to be downloaded and saved – plays a leading role. All of this has come with support provided by “a great legal team on a national and international level, which Lextransport makes available to its cliente 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Vicente Jaime’s conversation with Todotransporte contains a scattering of different anecdotes that show how the company he manages has made the best use of the technological tools developed by Lextransport, such as the Covid-19 platform, created by the Asturian company for the purpose of providing its clients with a continuous flow of information on the laws applicable during the state of emergency, such as the establishment or lifting of restrictions in the circulation of heavy goods vehicles.


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